Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Im this time im serious

Long time no post. I was pleased to meet many of the fans of this blogs at the triplet's birthday party last saturday. However, I also felt pretty bad when three of you told me that you check my blog everyday for new stuff. Well I'm back for good so keep checking and I will do my best to stay on top of this thing.

So what's been going on with you lately scotty?

1. I am DONE WITH JUNIOR YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! I cant possibly explain that feeling. Luckily, most of you understand that pure bliss I am speaking of.

2. I have shaved my head for the summer.



3. I am well into applying for college already. It's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be (so far)

ok with that said, let's get down to bussiness. THE SONG OF THE DAY. Today's song is by a southern rock band called Halfway to Hazzard. The name of the song in the "Devil and the Cross". This song is basically the parable of the prodigal son put to music. This band is NOT Christian. But this song still has something for everyone. We all struggle between the Devil and the Cross. Ask yourself this as you listen. Which side wins in your life. And more importantly, how easy do you make it for that side to win. are you a product of your enviorment (the world) or a product of HIS enviorment?

"Devil and the Cross"
I remember Daddy held the Bible like a gun
Back when I was a Pentacostal gospel preacher's son
And I still can see the fire and brimstone in his eyes
When he preached to people in a tent
Repent before you die

Pre Chorus

Me, I'd sneak out back with some saint-less, Southern girl
And there I'd teach her the ways of this world


(Well) I guess I was 'a way too wild
To be the child of a preacher man
One foot on a solid rock
(And) (With) one on (the) (that) sinkin' sand
Just like the prodigal son
I guess I got way too lost
Livin' somewhere in between the devil and the cross
(Whoa, whoa, whoa whoa ho)

2nd Verse

I was Daddy's worst nightmare
By the time I turned eighteen
Baptized in a whiskey river
On the streets of New Orleans
Where the demons, drugs, and rock and roll
They seemed to clog my mind
And women were a weakness
For weeks at a time

Pre Chorus

I learned the hard way
What you reap is what you sew
So in silent desperation
One night I headed home

(Repeat Chorus)


Daddy did more than talk the talk
He walked the walk in life
He loved me and forgave me
When I came home that night
He said, 'Son, don't ever be ashamed
For God forgives the lost
We all live somewhere in between the devil and the cross'


Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

It's about time we heard from you. :)

What colleges are you thinking about?

Dime said...

Hey Scotty,
I agree, that is a good song! I'll check out the band.

Have you heard of the artist Trevor Finlay?
(southern rock / country blues-rock) check him out!

Mayhem And Miracles said...

Hey, I really like those lyrics. Thanks for sharing. Good to see you back. Congrats on completing your next to last year! It's all icing on the cake from here....

Unknown said...

Interesting lyrics of the song. Are you a minister's kid? If so, please join our minister's kid community at!
