Saturday, May 3, 2008

Waiting...and waiting

So I am here in the land of the Triplets staying with JMOM for the night. I came here strait from work today and I ended up having a lot of time to burn. As I pulled up around 145 I realized that Jmom and crew weren't home. That was ok, I thought, I'll just play with their fearless gaurd dog, Hayley. Ummm, yea, that didn't happen. It turns out Hayley isn't so fearless. She wouldn't even come out of her cage in the garage. I sat there in front of her cage for thirty minutes having a long intense counseling session with her about why she was so scared to come out when her mommy and daddy weren't there. Unfortunately, we came to no conclusion.
So I finally gave up on the dog and decided to go grab a Frisbee and play some Frisbee golf in the next door neighbors huge yard. I got in my car and headed over to k-mart. I found a good Frisbee that I liked and took it up to the front...only to find that I had no money.
Ok so after plan B and C flopped. I went back to the house (which was STILL empty) and decided to just sleep in the car because by that time I was EXHAUSTED. So I put my drivers seat all the way back and closed my eyes...and THEN they pulled up!
So now i sit here, at 4 o'clock, two hours later, telling you my story. But it's ok, I am here with my favorite cousins in the world and that is definitely worth the wait.


Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

"a long, intense counseling session."

By far, my favorite part.

Mayhem And Miracles said...

I just came by to get caught up with you and read your last few posts. Wow Scotty! I'm not kidding; I am AMAZED at what an awesome reach you could have to your peers. You are so articulate in your feelings AND Biblical. There are a lot of well meaning young people who simply aren't really familiar enough yet with Scripture to avoid compromising the Truth with their "coolness," but your posts don't read that way at all. I'm doing a horrible job of explaining myself I'm afraid. I think you can be very relevant to your peer group and bold in Scripture at the same time and THAT is what is needed in the world today. Anyway, yes, thank you for encouraging us moms how important we are to our kids. Sometimes it's really nice to hear that. And of course, most moms want to make sure our kids hear of their importance to us sincerely and often. Maybe it's because I have long loved ministry with young adults, but I have connected to your writings so much. I hurt for all of the pressure most young people face today, whether from troubled homes like yours or those full of pressure to succeed and be perfect like mine was - many teens feel so much turmoil that can't be attributed to simple "hormones." What kids need is lots of reassurance that someone is listening and cares and loves them despite the walls they tend to build to protect themselves. I'm immensely proud of you for forgiving your Dad! It's true; ONLY God could help you do that. So many adults still struggle to forgive someone who has hurt them. Your Dad may not have realized at the time what an incredible young man he was privileged to have, but I rejoice that at the last moment he was redeemed, and because he is in a perfect Heaven and all of his sin has been removed, there can be no doubt he now rejoices at how you've turned out and EAGERLY awaits seeing you and cherishing you forever! BTW, since you have given an open invitation to do so, I would love to link you to my blog. Have a great week!

Mayhem And Miracles said...

I think I just set a new record for length of comment! (And I don't like the things your word verification are calling me!) :)