Thursday, June 5, 2008


Ok, this is my yell for hits. If you do this I will greatly appreciate it. I am making the next however many posts it takes into a Q and A session. Ask me anything you want and I'll answer. Refer people to this site to tell them to check out some of the past post and then they will want to ask questions also. I really hope this goes as well as I think it will. HIT ME UP


GinnyBerry said...

I just saw that you were moving to Romania for a year... what will you be doing there?

GinnyBerry in California

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

What is your best high school memory?

pinklady said...

scotty: I linked to you through jmom and I'm super impressed with what you have to say. thanks for writing about things that are a way that's easy to follow. you are a great role model!

my question is this: what is your favorite movie and how did it impact you?

Mayhem And Miracles said...

What suggestions do you have for older people to remember when witnessing to teenagers and young adults? How would you suggest they would best accept the "Truth in love?" What common mistakes do you notice?

What specific prayer needs do you have? Why do you think you were able to believe Christ for your past when so many other people would become bitter?

twiceasnice said...

My twins lost their dad while I was pregnant, so they never met him. What advice do you have for me in raising a boy without his dad? I know you must have some words of wisdom for me. I have him in sports and teach Sunday school...but what else? Thanks, jenni

Jennifer said...

What colleges are you considering and why?

When are you going to post again? ;-)

Shannon said...

I think Im linking to you through your Aunt? She has K, P and R :) Anyway I like your blog. My husband and I have twins. Whats your favorite memory of summer?
-Shannon in Austin

georgiamom said...

Scotty- We adopted a 14 year old girl last year. So, we are fumbling about trying to get used to this teenage stuff. We have a pretty tight parental control on her computer. It does not allow myspace, etc. We are trying to protect her and raise her in a way that honors God. What is your honest opinion of this site from a teen's perspective? Thanks! M

courtney said...

Why did you pick Romania and are you going to still going to go to college?
p.s. I read your whole story and it is truely amazing. It's someone like you who shows what true faith is about. Thanks for sharing, you're very inspiring! =)