Monday, April 28, 2008

Hard to believe

So today was the three year anniversary of my dad's stroke/heart attack/finding of everything else. Which means it was the three year anniversary of the first time I ever heard my dad say "I love you". I'm sure you are probably thinking "wow that is sad, or wow I bet he had a rough day." And if you were thinking that, you are only half way right. Here's why:
For some reason today reminded me more of my mom than my dad. And maybe not even so much of MY mom as moms in general. I was talking to JMOM (for those of you who don't know...Lotsofscotts...yea those are my cousins. Please take a moment to be jealous of me..................OK) anyway, I was talking to JMOM the other day and we started talking about my mom. We figured out that the triplets are exactly the age I was when my mom past away. Hard to believe. For those of you who are mothers, imagine your three year old at their worst moment, the moment where all they want is to be held by you, their mother.
Starting to see where I'm going with this yet?
Now imagine them getting to that point and not being able to comfort them. I'm not talking about just once. I'm talking about when your children are almost four, NEVER being able to comfort them again. I'm sure that is a thought that is enough to make most of you moms cry.
If it isn't this will be.
Now imagine it from your child's eyes. Imagine at three years old trying to comprehend "forever" as the length of time mommy is gone for.
What's your point Scotty? It's really simple:
Count your blessings. Take nothing for granted. The fact that you can see your children grow and have a part in raising them is the best blessing you could ask for. And the fact that your children have you (though they probably won't realize this until they are in their twenties) is a HUGE blessing. I hope you all: mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, go up to whoever has the pleasure of being an influential part of your life and just thank them. And then thank God for letting them be a part of your life. Thanks for reading



Anonymous said...

Wow, you give a mom alot to think about! I thank God everyday for my children. I have a 18 yr old daughter going off to college this next year and it is the hardest thing I think I have gone through. She has been a big blessing to me and I have taken her for granted. Thank you for making me see that I have much to ask her forgiveness for, and I will no longer take her for granted. You have a way with words and touching a persons heart. Thank you for your testimony and your story, it has made me cry but yet happy that you have the joy of the Lord. God Bless you!

Ashley said...

So I read Lot of Scotts daily and found the link via JMom post! So I might envy you a little to have the 3 cutest cousins ever!
You have the gift of wisdom and you are only 18! I only thought I was mature and prepared at 18 for the world I had yet to see, but you have a gift. I am thankful you write from the heart and speak truth, the Lord is going to continue to use you in amazing ways. Blessings to you and thanks for the reminder to hug and love the ones who love me!