Monday, April 28, 2008

What's goin on yall? After I did that post yesterday about the John Mayer song, I had an idea. I am going to (try) and post up lyrics to a song everyday that I feel like has something to say. I am a HUGE music fan and I listen to everything out there. They will be from all different genres of music. Here's the catch, none of them will ever be "Christian" songs i.e. David Crowder, Chris Tomlin, ect. Nothing against those guys, I love their music too. But I think it is much cooler to hear a song that is not nessisarily Christian by lable but still has truth in it. All truth is God's truth people. If you are one of those people who believes all "secular" music is evil, then you are about to start learning something new. If any one knows if its possible to up load actual songs on to a blog, please let me know cause I would love to put up the song along with the lyrics. Today I picked
"Bring it on home"
by Little Big Town
I just love this song because it could so easily be a letter from God to us. Everyone has had those days that they feel like they can't take another step. They are physically, emotionally, and mentally drained. One of my favorite verses is Psalm 55:22.

Pile your troubles on God's shoulders. He'll carry your load, he'll help you out. He'll never let good people topple into ruin. (Psalms 55:22 (The Message))

This song nails it. When you read the lyrics/listen to the song, ignore for a moment that it is probably a love song and focus on the words. Even better, if you are like me, when you have one of those days, you like to escape into your Ipod. Close your eyes and imagine God singing these words to you. Enjoy.

"Bring It On Home"
You got someone here wants to make it alright
Someone who loves you more than life right here
You got willing arms that'll hold you tight
A hand to lead you on through the night right here
I know your heart can get all tangled up inside
But don't you keep it to yourself
[Chorus:]When your long day is overAnd you can barely drag your feet
The weight of the world is on your shoulders
I know what you needBring it on home to me
You know I know you like the back of my hand
But did you know I'm gonna do all that I can right here
I'm gonna lie with you till you fall asleep
When the morning comes I'm still gonna be right here (yes I am)
So take your worries and just drop them at the door
Baby leave it all behind
Baby let me be your safe harbor
Don't let the water come and carry you away
You got someone here wants to make it alright
Someone who loves you more than life right here


Mayhem And Miracles said...


I just read your testimony post via JMom who I've read now for over a year. I just want you to know that kids like you are the reason I LOVE youth ministry! Kids who are honest, and mature beyond what they should have to know as young people, and love God so much despite all the unfairness they have endured in life. I will be praying for you. You amaze me. You're such a very special young man. I'm glad you've decided to blog. Can't wait to get to know you better. :)

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

Scotty --

I love this idea! Can't wait to see all the different songs. :)